Decent work agenda ilo pdf file

The document recommends that the hlpf could build on and promote the ilo s green initiative and ilo s guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all as a framework to create policyresponse capacity to integrate the decent work dimension in the transition to sustainable development. Mainstreaming the decent work agenda through the dissemination of good practices the international labour organization ilo is the united nations agency devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. To be lasting, productivity gains must translate into improved working conditions and wellbeing. Decent work for sex workers as ilos centenary treat. However, it is here that the desire to work more closely with other international agencies becomes important.

In september 2008, the ilo convened an international tripartite meeting of experts on the. Decent work has four dimensions or strategic objectives. Decent work and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Decent work is also central to efforts to reduce poverty and is a path to achieving equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. At the highest level of government, zambia is committed to decent work. In addition, it is hoped that by drawing attention to the indivisible economic and social benefits accruing to those societies that promote the fundamental international labour organization ilo principle of. Isbn 97892212758 print isbn 97892212765 web pdf international labour office. The decent work agenda was developed in 1999 by the ilo around four pillars. Only then can family farming achieve its full potential and contribute to sustained poverty reduction. The international labour organizations notion of decent work is a global objective for men and women to obtain productive work in. The ilo s decent work agenda productive employment and decent work are key elements to achieving a fair globalization and poverty reduction. The ilo has developed an agenda for the community of work looking at job creation, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue, with gender equality as a crosscutting objective. The sdgs promote sustained economic growth, higher levels of productivity and technological innovation. Decent work is a concept that has evolved since the ilo foundation in 1919 and.

This paper is the first empirical attempt to examine the international labour organisations agenda of decent work from a development policy perspective. Mainstreaming decent work full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people, is the most effective route out of poverty. A national goal taking into account national realities, cultures and levels of development. Decent work for domestic workers, report iv1, international labour conference, 100th session, geneva, 2011 published in 2010. Isbn 9789221231059 print issn 9789221231066 web pdf issn 00746681. The ilo holds to the goal of full, productive and freely chosen employment that was framed in convention 122 of 1964 and reaffirmed and. Pathway to decent work for women what does this have to do with health. Equal access to education, training and science and. Decent work key to sustainable development it is estimated that over 600 million new jobs need to be created by 2030, just to keep pace with the growth of the global working age population. Decent work and the millennium development goalsand ilo information ilo, 2005. Majority of workers in jordan are not paid enough to.

Ilos role and core mandate of promoting decent work is increasingly important. The ilo is supporting member states through technical assistance and capacity building at national, subregional and regional levels in this regard. The ilo regional office for arab states works to foster social justice with decent work opportunities through sustainable enterprises, higher productivity and growth with equity. This concept combines the quantity of work supply with its quality. The decent work agenda rests on four pillars, namely employment creation and enterprise development pillar i. Equal access to education, training and science and technology. Moving the agenda forward mariejose tayah international labour office, conditions of work and equality department. International labour office ilo conceptualised decent work in 1999. The ilo, decent work and poverty reduction strategies in the words of somavia, the primary goal of the ilo today is to promote op portunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive. Globalization 2008 endorses decent work agenda as main objective of the ilos work. The ilo decent work agenda s areas of concern has been mentioned in other development targets such as in reducing poverty and increasing access to education. According to the international labour organization, more than 204 million people were unemployed in 2015. Localizing the decent work agenda through southsouth and citytocity cooperation.

The international labour organization ilo has made decent work the cornerstone of its recommended strategy for recovery from the global economic crisis. Improving safety and health at work through a decent work. Linkages between the decent work and economically quality of. Incorporating relevant dimensions of the decent work agenda into poverty reduction strategies by identifying appropriate entry points and country specific priorities. This study was not conceived as an evaluation of ilos decent work agenda, but rather as a. Scope of the decent work agenda decent work country programmes mainstreaming dw into the mdg process decent work the primary goal of the ilo today is to promote opportunities for women and men. But it does not show up in the mars analytical framework.

Enhancing decent work agenda in workplace iii trade unions efforts through social dialogue in nepal its too late already. Of the 43 international organizations examined in the mar, the ilo is. Mar 24, 2016 this contribution, which serves as the lead article for the research topic entitled from meaning of working to meaningful lives. The introduction of the decent work agenda at the turn of the century was one such milestone. An ilo allying with sex workers will have the double benefit of addressing both the decent work deficits in the sex industry and deficits in the ilos decent work agenda. The challenges of expanding decent work, explores current challenges in the development and operationalization of decent work. The concept of decent work was first proposed by the directorgeneral of the international labour office ilo as a unifying framework and a central priority for the organization in his report to the 87th session of the international labour conference in june 1999. Sep 25, 2015 decent work key to sustainable development it is estimated that over 600 million new jobs need to be created by 2030, just to keep pace with the growth of the global working age population. Promoting jobs and enterprise, guaranteeing rights at work, extending social protection and promoting social dialogue are the four pillars of the ilo decent work agenda, with gender as a crosscutting theme. Decent work for all is therefore the principle that guides the ilos work. The concept of decent work integrates the four pillars of ilos activities. Productive employment and decent work are key elements to achieving a fair globalization and poverty reduction. The government of the republic of zambia welcomes the ilo s initiative, supported by the social partners, in preparing a coherent and focused programme that will contribute to the promotion of decent work throughout the economy.

Since that time, the ilo and its constituents around the world have developed and begun to implement a first generation of decent work country programmes dwcps. Decent work for domestic workers, report iv2, international labour conference, 99th session, geneva, 2010. In 1999, the international labour organisation coined the term decent work. Kernarbeitsmormen partnering for development with over 50 years of experience in development cooperation, the ilo today has a bigger kernarbeitsnormej than ever with some active programmes and projects in more than countries. The ilo at work development results 20102011 ii foreword the international labour organization is concerned with the human condition of work, starting from the principle that labour is not a commodity as set out in the ilos constitution. The ilos decent work agenda productive employment and decent work are key elements to achieving a fair globalization and poverty reduction. International labour organization rightsfocused approach to decent work in agriculture core and fundamental rights of agricultural workers priority decent work gaps to address in agriculture protecting agricultural workers benefiting the most vulnerable social protection initiatives. Central to concerns about the decline in labour share is the notion of decent work. References access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of womens equal access to full employment and decent work.

Decent work and economic growth a gendered analysis. The results of this work can provide fao and other development agencies with new insights in their collaboration with ilo and national governments in the implementation of dwcps. Respect for fundamental principles and rights at work. It is assumed that combinations of incorrect policy choices and inappropriate microinstitutional arrangements are the cause of bad work. The purpose of the decent work agenda was not only to establish a definition of good work which can be used as a yardstick for workers, but. Launched in 1999, years before the recession,2 the ilo s decent work agenda seeks for workers not only the creation of jobs of.

Decent work for all reduces inequality and increases resilience. Unlike other united nations specialized agencies, the international labour organization has a tripartite governing structure that brings together governments, employers, and workers of 187 member states, to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men. The international labour organization ilo is a united nations agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice through setting international labour standards. Similar to the catalytic role that the ilo played in supporting decent work for domestic workers, for sex workers, the organisation can help to overcome the stigma and. This was more than the 721 targets set at the beginning, and reflects the deliberate effort to concentrate resources on fewer and better integrated interventions. While the internal reforms have moved more slowly, overall there has been considerable success in the last three years. Improving safety and health at work through a decent work agenda. Gender equality is an integral crosscutting theme in the decent work agenda with particular. Dwcps promote decent work as a key component of national development strategies and constitute a programming tool to deliver on a limited. The decent work agenda is relatively devoid of analyses of the causes of indecent work and processes contributing to its amelioration. Promoting jobs and enterprise, guaranteeing rights at work, extending social protection and promoting social dialogue are the four pillars of the ilo decent work. Viewed from the global perspective of the 2030 agenda, poverty. The concept of decent work was formulated by the international labour organization ilo and it is supported by the labour code, trade unions and other labour related actors that are part of civil society. The quality of work is central to the growing inequalities in africa and the world.

As a result of the inclusion of significant components of the ilos decent work agenda in the 2030 agenda, our organization has a major opportunity and a significant responsibility to play a full and active role in the implementation of the sdgs including through support for national strategies for sustainable development. Promote opportunities for all women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity declares the recently adopted documentdecent work country programme dwcp for india 20072012. A future of work for russian youth youth employment remains a priority for the ilo as the organization moves into its second century. Version 1 of this guidebook was prepared in 2005, which was early in the international labour organizations ilo adoption of the decent work country programme approach.

The ilo decent work agenda dwa is implemented at the country level through decent work country programmes dwcps that have been established as the main vehicle for delivery of ilo support to member states. A comparative analysis of three african countries ilo, oecd and who, geneva and paris, 2006, at 24. The decent work agenda was initially taken forward in decent work pilot programmes. Gender equality is an integral crosscutting theme in. As a result of the inclusion of significant components of the ilos decent work agenda in the 2030 agenda, our organization has a major opportunity and a significant responsibility to play a full and active role in the implementation of the sdgs including through support for national strategies for. Decent work for family farmers support for smallholder family farming can and should go hand in hand with the promotion of the decent work agenda. Encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation are key to this, as are effective measures to. It also discusses the relevance and importance of decent work in todays times and introduces the four pillars of decent work, namely, employment creation, social protection, rights at work and social.

The ilo decent work agendas areas of concern has been mentioned in other development targets such as in reducing poverty and increasing access to education. The global financial and economic crisis has further emphasized the need to fully integrate ilos decent work approach in a broader economic and social strategy to stave off the. Ultimately decent work underpins peace and security in communities and societies. The objective of employment is important for allowing. It provides an important milestone in terms of measuring progress to decent work using ilo decent work. Mainstreaming decent work international labour organization. These are crucial to advancing the entire sustainable development agenda. Extending the agenda nigel haworthand stephen hughes professor, university of auckland, new zealand n.

Countries set own national agendas for promoting productive employment and decent work but in all circumstances. May 15, 2012 promote opportunities for all women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity declares the recently adopted documentdecent work country programme dwcp for india 20072012. Lates news in brief decent work, the key to the 2030 agenda for susainable development 31 may 2017 round table. What lies behind gender pay gaps world employment and social outlook the introduction of the decent work agenda at. The chapter provides ilo s perspective on the agenda of decent work. Over the past 25 years the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined dramatically, despite the lasting impact of the 2008 economic crisis and global recession. Unless sdg 8 takes into account unpaid work that continues to be largely performed by women, it cannot address the decent work agenda in a comprehensive and gendered way. Decent work and the millennium development goalsand ilo information folder. By the time when we were completing this report some major changes took place in political atmosphere and resultantly in the world of work.

While the decent work agenda has some positive elements that unions could appropriate, its faith in statebased social protection and advocacy of social corporatism or tripartism assumes that states can serve as guardians of the popular classes. What if you had a printing press that could spit out hundred dollar bills on demand. Respect for the dignity of work is consistent with and essential for sustainable development. Based on an initiative from the international labor organization ilo 1999 decent work represents an aspirational statement about. It was based on one of the organizations most important principles, which includes to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignityilo 1999b. The importance of decent work in achieving susainable development is highlighted by goal 8 which aims to promote susained, inclusive and susainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. International labour conference, 100th session, 2011 report iv2a decent work for domestic workers fourth item on the agenda international labour office geneva. The tanzania decent work country profile ilo, 2010 was developed in 2009 through discussions with the government of tanzania not covering zanzibar, tanzanian trade unions and employers and the national bureau of statistics. By the end of 2015, the decent work agenda decent work is a source of personal dignity, family stability and peace in the community. International labour office decent work plan of action programme planning plan implementation national level guide.